Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 1
Lukov S. V. and Bokov V. I. Problems of Socialization in the Pages of the Journal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill”
(Moscow University for the Humanities),
(The Komi Regional Branch of the International Academy of Ecology,
Human and Nature Safety Sciences, Syktyvkar)
Abstract ♦ The analytical review presents the articles published in the journal "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill " in 2004–2013 and devoted to socialization — one of the major problems in modern social science. In these articles, socialization is treated as a bilateral process wherein the society constantly transmits and an individual assimilates social norms, cultural values and patterns of behavior all through his/her life for a successful activity of both the individual and the society.
The reviewers examine the published articles that cover the sociological aspect of socialization, the conceptualization of the terms of "socialization norm" and "socialization trajectory" as well as of the thesaurus conception of socialization. As it is shown, these research papers mostly reflect the theses being developed in the framework of the sociological school of thought at Moscow University for the Humanities. The problems of socialization are conceptualized in close connection with those of the sociology of youth. The reviewers consider the development of the sociological aspect of socialization to be a contribution of the school of thought to the theory of socialization.
This aspect can be found in the humanistic theory of youth proposed by the rector of Moscow University for the Humanities Professor Igor M. Ilinskiy, in the thesaurus conception of socialization suggested by Professor Valery A. Lukov, the conceptions of socialization norm and socialization trajectory stated by Professor Antonina I. Kovaleva. The reviewers lay a special emphasis on the interpretation of socialization norm and socialization trajectory, because a number of articles by some representatives of the mentioned school (Dmitry L. Agranat, Valentina V. Bogdanova, Mikhail A. Lobanov et al.) cover this subject. The papers representing other trends in socialization studies (Vera A. Gnevasheva, Boris F. Usmanov, Yakov A. Minevich et al.) are also characterized. The reviewers claim that in a rapidly changing society researchers will be paying ever-increasing attention to the problems of socialization.
Keywords: socialization, socialization norm, socialization trajectory, youth.
Lukov Sergey Valerievich, Candidate of Science (sociology), Master of Social Work (Germany), the deputy director of the Youth Sociology Center of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities. Postal address: 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-75-95. E-mail:
Bokov Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Science (sociology), the academic secretary of the Komi Regional Branch of the International Academy of Ecology, Human and Nature Safety Sciences (Syktyvkar). Postal address: 47 Morozova St., Syktyvkar, Russian Federation, 167000. Tel.: +7 (8212) 31-16-77. E-mail:

Citation: Lukov, S. V. and Bokov, V. I. (2014) Problemy sotsializatsii na stranitsakh zhurnala «Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie» [Problems of Socialization in the Pages of the Journal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill”]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 327–335. (In Russ.).
Submission date: 15.01.2014.
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