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Знание. Понимание. Умение - статья из Википедии

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Знание. Понимание. Умение
Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2010 / No. 4

Zakharov N. V., Lukov Vl. A., Gaydin B. N. Shakespeare in Information Projects of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities

The article was written in accordance with the plans of the projects of Russian Foundation for the Humanities mentioned in the text.

(Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract ◊ Since 2004 several information projects have been developed in the Institute. They are aimed at relevant scientific and teacher problems solution. Among them there are a number of projects where Shakespeare and his heritage are special subject matters.

Keywords: Shakespeare, information projects, Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities.

Zakharov Nikolay Vladimirovich, Ph.D., Candidate of Science (philology), the vice-director of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities, a full-member of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck), the academic secretary of the Shakespeare Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-75-95. E-mail: nikoltine@yandex.ru

Lukov Vladimir Andreevich, Doctor of Science (philology), professor, the director of the Theory and History of Culture Center of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities, the honored scientist of the Russian Federation, a full-member of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck). Tel.: +7 (499) 374-75-95. E-mail: lookoff@mail.ru

Gaydin Boris Nikolaevich, Candidate of Science (philosophy), senior researcher of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-59-30. E-mail: barbarious@mail.ru


Citation: Zakharov, N. V., Lukov, Vl. A. and Gaydin B. N. (2010) Shekspir v informatsionnykh proektakh Instituta fundamental'nykh i prikladnykh issledovanii Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta [Shakespeare in Information Projects of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 234–238.


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