Ключевые слова: поэтика, литературный жанр, понимание, выражение, жанрообусловливание, художественная целостность, онтология понимания.
Головко Вячеслав Михайлович — заведующий кафедрой истории русской и зарубежной литературы Ставропольского государственного университета, профессор, доктор филологических наук. Тел.: (865) 235-34-53 (доп. 1185). Эл. адрес: vmgolovko@mail.ru

Interpretative Potential of Literary Genre as
a Problem of M. M. Bakhtin's Theoretical Poetics
Golovko V. M.
(Stavropol State University)
Abstract ◊ Within M. M. Bakhtins genre-study paradigm of the ontology of understanding of the literary genre as a "typical unity of aesthetic expression" is being considered. Phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches to the study on the genre theory are embodied within the system of analysis of its "understanding potential", subject-object relations in the process of creation of a new aesthetic reality, principles of interpretation of literary works according to the genre "antiquity".
Keywords: poetics, literary genre, interpretation, expression, genre conditioning, art integrity, interpretation ontology.
Golovko Viacheslav Mikhailovich — a Doctor of Science (philology), professor, the head of the Russian and Foreign Literature History Department of Stavropol State University. Tel.: (865) 235-34-53 (ext. 1185). E-mail: vmgolovko@mail.ru