The 9th ISCB Conference „Global and Deep Bioethics“ and „From New Medical Ethics to the Integrative Bioethics“
The 9th ISCB Conference „Global and Deep Bioethics“ and „From New Medical Ethics to the Integrative Bioethics“
9th ISCB Conference
Scientific Conference with International Participation
September 23–25, 2012.
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Rijeka (Croatia)
„Global and Deep Bioethics“ and „From New Medical Ethics to the Integrative Bioethics“.
Due to the memory of professor Segota
First circular
We invite the submission of abstracts for presentations addressing all aspects of the bioethics. These include, but are by no means limited to the following topics:
global and deep bioethics
clinical bioethics
integrative bioethics
history and development of bioethics
communication in medicine and health care
palliative medicine
informed consent
bioethics and politics
bioethics in future
bioethics and robotics
bioethics and children
bioethics and ecology.
The selected topic may be approached from one or more perspectives. We also invite submissions from other interdisciplinary fields connected with bioethics and medicine.
Presentations will be allocated 15 minutes.
International Society for Clinical Bioethics
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities
Croatian Society for Clinical Bioethics
Venue: Faculty of Medicine Rijeka, Braće Branchetta 20, Rijeka, Croatia
Date: September 23–25, 2012
Submission of abstracts:
The attached registration form together with the abstract is to be sent as an attachment to:
Deadline for abstract submission: June 30, 2012.
Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2012.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstracts booklet which will be distributed at the beginning of the conference.
The official languages of the conference are Croatian and English.
The conference fee is 80 €
9th ISCB Conference
September 23–25, 2012
Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities
Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia