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Shakespeare Readings 2012


Shakespeare Readings 2012

The Russian Academy of Sciences

The Shakespeare Committee, Russian Academy of Sciences will be hosting an International Conference on Shakespeare in National Cultures 9–13 July 2012.

Russia is mentioned in Love's Labour’s Lost as a distant and preposterous country and Moscovites as wild and vulgar people. In Macbeth and Henry IV they speak of fierce Russian bears, in Measure for Measure — of a long Russian night, in the melancholy Winter’s Tale spectators encounter a daughter of a Russian Emperor. Thanks to Shakespeare the image of Russia as it was formed in the XVI-th century stuck in the West-European consciousness.

Shakespeare could never imagine that it might become the country which would not only appreciate the genius of the world-renowned dramatist but also consider Shakespeare its own treasure and develop a deeply rooted tradition of literary influence, criticism, research, translation and performance. No wonder that Shakespeare Readings have been held in Russia for more than half a century.

The 2012 Shakespeare conference in Moscow offers the following aspects for papers and discussions in the realm of National Cultures:

Shakespeare Readings 2012

Shakespeare in theatre;


literary criticism and scholarly studies;

artistic perception by poets and writers;

music and arts;

publishing and editorial history;


contemporary life.

Proposals are invited for papers of up to 20 minutes. These may be made by e-mail and should include a 200-word abstract. The deadline for submission is 15 May, 2012.

Proposals should be addressed to:

Nikolay Zakharov, the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities

Office: 5/1 Ulitsa Yunosti, 111395 Moscow, Russia

Home: apt. 47, 3/6 Krasny Kazanets, 111395 Moscow, Russia

E-mail: russhake@gmail.com

Tel./fax:: +7 (499) 374-75-95



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