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Знание. Понимание. Умение - статья из Википедии

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Competition for short-term grants in the humanities


Competition for short-term grants in the humanities

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announces a competition for short-term grants in the humanities for academic year 2009–2010. Grants will be awarded on the basis of peer-review of written proposals by an independent commission of distinguished scholars from the region and from western countries. Grants will identify outstanding scholarly work that stimulates and enables the work of others. The long-term objective of this program is to assure the continued development of humanities scholarship in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

Eligibility: applicants

  • must hold “kandidatskaia” degree, or show evidence of equivalent professional experience;
  • must be a citizen of, and a resident of, Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine;
  • fluency in English is NOT required;
  • funds must be used in the region, not for residence or travel outside the region;
  • recipients of previous ACLS grants are not eligible but all who applied in the past without success are welcome to apply again.

Eligibility: fields of study

All disciplines and topics within the humanities are eligible including history, literature, languages and linguistics, philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies, studies of visual and performing arts, and gender studies. Applications in social sciences such as political science, sociology, economics, international relations, and psychology, are NOT eligible unless they are based on study of history or culture and use qualitative methods.

Eligibility: projects

  • archival or field research intended for presentation in a book-length monograph;
  • collections of source materials, or other substantial scholarly products;
  • work on archival or museum collections making them more useful for specific research projects;
  • collaborative projects are encouraged (individuals should apply on behalf of teams, under conditions specified on the application form)

The application form for the 2009-10 competition will be available on the ACLS website http://www.acls.org/programs/hp in September 2009.

Completed applications must be returned to ACLS by the deadline, November 17, 2009.

Actual amounts of grants will vary depending on available funds, but we expect them to be approximately $4,000. Formal notification to applicants who receive awards, and to those who do not, will be sent via AirMail in May 2010.

For general information about the program, see our website: http://www.acls.org/programs/hp

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