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The Editorial Council
The Chairman
- Abdusalam A. Guseinov, Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Director, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
- William C. Brumfield, PhD, Professor of Slavic Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans (USA)
- Yuri L. Vorotnikov, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor; Academic Secretary, Department of Literature and Language, Russian Academy of Sciences; Head, Department of Grammar and Lexicology, Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Tereza Zhulkovska, Doctor of Sociology, Professor; Director, Institute of Pedagogy, University of Szczecin (Poland)
- Anatoly L. Zhuravlev, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Education; Doctor of Psychology, Professor; Director, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Yuri I. Zhuravlev, Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (physics and mathematics), Professor; Chairman, Section “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences; Deputy Director for research work, Computing Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Vladimir N. Zakharov, Doctor of Philology, Professor; Head, Department of Russian Literature and Journalism, Petrozavodsk State University
- Irene Zohrab, PhD, Professor, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
- Igor M. Ilinskiy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Rector, Moscow University for the Humanities
- Walter Kofler, Doctor of Medicine, Professor; President, International Academy of Science (Austria)
- Alexander N. Krylov, PhD, Professor; Director, Berlin West-Ost Institute (Germany)
- Mika Lähteenmäki, PhD, Professor of the Russian Language and Culture, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
- Sattar F. Mazhitov, Doctor of History, Professor; Director General, International Institute for Integration of Socio-Humanitarian Research (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Vadim M. Mezhuev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Main Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy of Culture, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Sergey I. Plaksiy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation; Rector, National Institute of Business
- Boris N. Tarasov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation; Head, Department of Foreign Literature, Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
- Jean T. Toshchenko, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Head, Department of Theory and History of Sociology, Russian State University for the Humanities
- Valentina G. Fedotova, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Main Research Fellow, Head, research line “Social Philosophy and Development of Civil Society in Russia”, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Zhou Qichao, Doctor of Philology, Chief Researcher, Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing, China)
- Boris G. Yudin, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Main Research Fellow, Department of Humanitarian Expertise and Bioethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
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№4 журнала за 2021 г.