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Знание. Понимание. Умение - статья из Википедии

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Знание. Понимание. Умение
Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2015 / №1

Turintseva E. A., Reshetnikova Е. V. Biosocial Functions of the Youth and Their Transformations in the Context of Social Rehabilitation in Urban Mode of Life

(Irkutsk State University)

Abstract ♦ This article discusses the link between actualizing social rehabilitation, on the one hand, and mass transition of humanity to the urban mode of life and transformation of biologically determined functions of individuals and social communities, on the other. The authors focus on the youth as an “outpost group” pioneering social change.

We view the youth and youthfulness from the standpoint of biosociology (as developed by Valery A. Lukov), as a complex phenomenon of social reality which reflects the indissoluble connection between biological and social components in human life and human communities.

This study describes several biological functions, such as adaptational, modernizational, health-preserving, sexual, and aimed at achieving independence. Transformations of these functions under urban mode of life include an increase in time of its fulfillment, which, in turn, leads to desynchronization of biological and social aspects of all these functions. An ensuing general dysfunction leads to social and psychological discontent in individuals, to stress, uncontrolled status changes, ailments and other adversities. This event clearly constitutes a difficult situation, which makes social rehabilitation ever more urgent.

Keywords: social rehabilitation, biosociology of youth, urban mode of life, urbanization, sociology of youth, urban sociology.  

Turintseva Elena Anatolievna, Candidate of Social Science, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Irkutsk State University. Postal address: R. 302, 1 Karl Marx St., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664009. Tel.: +7 (3952) 200-205, +7 (3952) 243-372. E-mail: e_turin05@mail.ru

Reshetnikova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Irkutsk State University. Postal address: R. 302, 1 Karl Marx St., Irkutsk, Russian Federation, 664009. Tel.: +7 (3952) 200-205; +7 (3952) 243-372. E-mail: eresh80@mail.ru


Citation: Turintseva, E. A. and Reshetnikova, Е. V. (2015) Biosotsial'nye funktsii molodezhi i ikh transformatsiia v usloviiakh gorodskogo obraza zhizni v kontekste sotsial'noi reabilitatsii [Biosocial functions of the youth and their transformations in the context of social rehabilitation in urban mode of life]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 134–143. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2015.1.12

Submission date: 5.01.2015.



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