Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2015 / №1
Kozharinova A. R. Kostina Anna Vladimirovna
(Moscow University for the Humanities)
Abstract ♦ A biographical article on the Russian culturologist Anna Vladimirovna Kostina, with a selected bibliography of her works.
Keywords: A.V. Kostina, theory of culture, philosophy of culture, mass culture, specialized culture, higher education
Kozharinova Anna Rostislavovna, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Culturology and Politology, Moscow University for the Humanities. Postal address: 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel: +7 (499) 374-55-11. E-mail: anna_adv@inbox.ru

Citation: Kozharinova A. R. (2015) Kostina Anna Vladimirovna [ ]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 401-408. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2015.1.40
Submission date: 12.01.2015.
Kostina, A. V. (1996) K voprosu o meste massovoi kul'tury v sovremennom obshchestve [On the place of mass culture in modern society]. In: Iazyk. Obshchenie. Biznes [Language. Communication. Business] : A collection of reports and proceedings of the 7th international research-to-practice seminar (January 30 — February 2, 1996)]. Moscow, Institute for Continuing Education and Retraining of Public Education Workers of Moscow Region ; Moscow State University ; Moscow State University of Culture ; Moscow State Pedagogical University Publ. Pp. 162–167. (In Russ.)
Kostina, A. V. (1997a) Massovaia muzyka i fol'klor v kontekste khudozhestvennoi kul'tury [Mass music and culture in the context of artistic culture]. In: Kul'tura: istoriia i sovremennost' [Culture: History and modernity] : A collection of articles by postgraduate and undergraduate students. Moscow, Institute of Youth Publ. Pp. 25–37. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (1997b) Sootnoshenie massovogo i elitarnogo v kul'ture (na primere otechestvennoi kul'tury 20–30-kh godov) [The interrelation of the elitarian and the mass aspects of culture (The case of the Russian Culture of the 1920s–1930s)] : Abstract of the diss. … Candidate of Culturology. Moscow. 19 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (1999) Massovaia kul'tura: teoriia i praktika [Mass culture: Theory and practice]. Moscow, Institute of Youth Publ. 84 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2001a) Dialektika massovogo i elitarnogo v sovremennoi kul'ture [The dialectics of the mass and the elitarian in contemporary culture] : in 2 parts. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. Part 1. 178 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2001b) Dialektika massovogo i elitarnogo v sovremennoi kul'ture [The dialectics of the mass and the elitarian in contemporary culture] : in 2 parts. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. Part 2. 196 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2003a) Massovaia kul'tura kak fenomen postindustrial'nogo obshchestva [Mass culture as a phenomenon of postindustrial society]. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. 405 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2003b) Estetika reklamy [Aesthetics of advertising]. Moscow, Vershina Publ. 304 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2008) Natsional'naia kul'tura — etnicheskaia kul'tura — massovaia kul'tura: «balans interesov» v sovremennom obshchestve [National culture — ethnic culture — mass culture: the “balance of interests” in contemporary society]. Moscow, Librokom Publ. 214 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2009a) Osobennosti kul'turnogo stroitel'stva v sovetskoi Rossii 20–30-kh gg.: k voprosu o sub"ektnom aspekte istorii [Features of cultural construction in the Soviet Russia of the 1920s–30s: On the subject aspect in history]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 2, pp. 31–40. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2009b) Sootnoshenie i vzaimodeistvie traditsionnoi, elitarnoi i massovoi kul'tur v sotsial'nom prostranstve sovremennosti [Interaction and interrelation of traditional, elitarian and mass culture in the social space of modernity] : Abstract of the diss. … Doctor of Culturology. Moscow. 39 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2009c) Teoreticheskie problemy sovremennoi kul'turologii: Idei, kontseptsii, metody issledovaniia [Theoretical issues of contemporary cultural studies: Ideas, concepts and research methodologies]. Moscow, Librokom Publ. 288 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2009d) Etnicheskaia kul'tura: spetsifika razvitiia v sovremennom mire [Ethnic culture: specifics of development in contemporary world]. Novye issledovaniia Tuvy, no. 1–2. [online] Available at: http://tuva.asia/journal/issue_1-2/118-ethnic-culture.html [archived in WebCite] (accessed 5.01.2015). (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2010) Sootnoshenie traditsionnosti i tvorchestva kak osnova sotsiokul'turnoi dinamiki [The interrelation between tradition and creativity as the basis of sociocultural dynamics]. Moscow, Librokom Publ. 144 p. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2012a) Migranty i obshchestvo: sotsiokul'turnaia sostavliaiushchaia vzaimodeistviia [Migrants and society: The sociocultural component of interaction]. In: Pravo i kul'tura [Law and culture] : Proceedings of an international conference / ed. by T. A. Soshnikova. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 292 p. Pp. 167–178. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2012b) Mul'tikul'turalizm i perspektivy razvitiia gosudarstva [Multiculturalism and the prospects of states]. In: Dialog kul'tur v usloviiakh globalizatsii [The dialogue of cultures under globalization] : Proceedings of the 12th International Likhachev Readings, May 17–18, 2012. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences Publ. Vol. 1. Doklady [Reports]. 504 p. Pp. 263–264. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2013) Sotsiokul'turnye faktory razvitiia sovremennoi Rossii [Sociocultural factors of development in contemporary Russia]. In: Sovremennoe sostoianie kul'tury i obshchestva: osobennosti i perspektivy razvitiia Rossii [Current state of culture and society: Features and prospects of Russia’s development] : A collection of articles / ed. by A. V. Kostina. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. Pp. 41–49. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2014a) Massovaia kul'tura: osobennosti realizatsii sotsial'nogo potentsiala v formiruiushchemsia informatsionnom obshchestve [Mass culture: implementing the social capabilities and the rise of information society]. In: Vysshee obrazovanie dlia XXI veka : XI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Moskva, 27–28 noiabria 2014 g. : doklady i materialy. Kruglyi stol «Konstruktivnyi sotsial'nyi potentsial massovoi kul'tury: Spetsifika proiavleniia v informatsionnom obshchestve» [Higher education for the 21st century : Proceedings of 11th international conference, Moscow, November 27–28, 2014. Roundtable “Constructive Social Potential of Mass Culture. The Specific Features of Its Manifestations in Information Society”] / ed. by A. V. Kostina. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. Pp. 44–56. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. (2014b) Ideia modernizatsii Rossii kak otrazhenie problem sotsiokul'turnogo razvitiia 1990–2000-kh godov [The idea of modernizing Russia as a reflection of sociocultural development issues in the 1990s–2000s]. In: Vysshee obrazovanie dlia XXI veka : XI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Moskva, 27–28 noiabria 2014 g. : doklady i materialy. Sektsiia 5. «Problemy kul'turologicheskogo obrazovaniia». Kruglyi stol «Kul'tura kak faktor modernizatsii Rossii» [Higher education for the 21st century : Proceedings of 11th international conference, Moscow, November 27–28, 2014. Panel 5. Issues of Culturological Education. Rountable “Culture as a Factor of Modernization in Russia”] / ed. by A. V. Kostina. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. Pp. 3–11. (In Russ.).
Kostina, A. V. and Kozharinova, A. R. (2014) Konstruktivnyi sotsial'nyi potentsial massovoi kul'tury: spetsifika proiavleniia v informatsionnom obshchestve [Constructive social potential of mass culture and its manifestations in information society] / ed. by A. V. Kostina. Moscow, Lenand Publ. 256 p. (In Russ.).