Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2015 / №1
Brumfield W. C. Invitation to a Beheading: Turgenev and Troppmann
(Tulane University, New Orleans, USA)
Abstract ♦ The article examines a complexity of questions surrounding Fedor Dostoevsky's perception of Ivan Turgenev's perception, in his essay "Kazn' Tropmana", of one of the most notorious public spectacles of the 19th century: the execution of the convicted murderer Jean Baptiste Troppmann in January 1870. Turgenev's disgust at the execution, which he attended as a distinguished guest, aroused the intense criticism of Dostoevsky. The article comments on this antipathy and explores earlier 19th-century perceptions of public executions in their relation to the work of both Turgenev and Dostoevsky.
Keywords: Ivan Turgenev, Fedor Dostoevsky, public executions, Jean Baptiste Troppmann, Maxime Du Camp, Victor Hugo, Paris, Henry James, Napoleon III, Michel Foucault, Konstantin Sluchevskii, Cesar Beccaria, death penalty.
Brumfield William Craft, PhD, Professor of Slavic Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA. Postal address: 6823 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70118, USA. Tel.: +1 (504) 865-5276. E-mail:

Citation: Brumfield, W. C. (2015) Priglashenie na kazn': Turgenev i Tropman [Invitation to a beheading: Turgenev and Troppmann]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 244–254. (In Russ.).
DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2015.1.23
Submission date: 12.12.2014.
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Manzoni, A. (1964) The Column of infamy / transl. by K. Foster and J. Grigson. London, Oxford University Press. xxii, 212 p.
Paris under siege, 1870–1871: From the Goncourt journal (1969) / ed. and transl. by G. Becker. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press. 334 p.
See also: