Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 4
Moskalchuk G. G., Manakov N. A. The Form of a Text as a Multilayer Construction
(Orenburg State Pedagogical University),
(Orenburg State University)
Abstract ♦ The article deals with natural patterns of text organization — fractality, proportionality, symmetry, periodicity, cyclicity, rhythm, which are the basic algorithms of evolution and self-organization in nature.
In this article, the authors present the results of interdisciplinary research of text formation. Text is regarded as a multilevel structure and the units and connections of this structure can be traced on different levels. The macrostructures of a text as a single whole are completed by adding measurable physical parameters (such as length or intensity of some qualitative and quantitative factors). We outline structures of different order, which are synthesized on the basis of the standard invariant positional matrix.
The authors make use of the method of text linearization, followed by the completion of the volumetric form by means of the simplest geometric modelling by the points of the structure’ coordinates and the space of the text’s existence.
It is proved that the resulting whole follows proportional correlations found in any self-developing text, according to the laws of chaotic dynamics. From time to time, a self-developing structure experiences bifurcations and the structure gets a new impetus — its development is altered.
We have also discovered that some recurring components of speech and language substratum come in patterns, which are reproducible with a certain degree of probability.
Keywords: text, interdisciplinary approach, formation, synergetics, substratum, structure, symmetry, proportion, rhythm, metro-rhythmical matrix, invariant, position, short-range order, long-range order.
Moskalchuk Galina Grigorievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Russian, Orenburg State Pedagogical University; Corresponding member, International Teacher’s Training Academy of Science. Postal address: 19 Sovetskaya St., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460014. Tel.: +7 (3532) 77–24–52. E-mail:
Manakov Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Mathematics and Physics, Professor, Department of General Physics, Orenburg State University; Full member, International Teacher’s Training Academy of Science. Postal address: 13 Pobedy Avenue, Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460018. Tel.: +7 (3532) 37-24-39. E-mail:

Citation: Moskalchuk, G. G. and Manakov, N. A. (2014) Forma teksta kak mnogourovnevyi konstrukt [The Form of a Text as a Multilayer Construction]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 291–302. (In Russ.).
Submission date: 15.04.2014.
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