Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 4
Ilinskiy I. M. The 70th Anniversary of Moscow University for the Humanities
(Moscow University for the Humanities)
Abstract ♦ Presented here is the speech of the rector of Moscow University for the Humanities as delivered before faculty members, employees, undergraduate and postgraduate students at the ceremony celebrating the 70th anniversary of the University’s foundation, November 20, 2014.
Several historical milestones have been singled out in the speech, starting from the foundation of the University in 1944 as the Central Komsomol School under the aegis of the Komsomol’s Central Committee. The author emphasizes the unbreakable link between the history of the University and that of Russia in general. The speech makes mention of the foreign alumni of the Komsomol School who later rose to prominence as high-profile officials in their respective countries. Also listed are the problems the University faced in the context of political changes in Russian society.
The author describes the dire condition of the University and its campus in early 1990s and how solving the material and financial issues paved the way to current achievements. The University takes a just pride in its alumni(ae) who have attained success in various spheres of social activity — research, moviemaking, business, space exploration, sports, etc.
Keywords: Moscow University for the Humanities, higher education, history of the Komsomol, history of higher education in Russia
Ilinskiy Igor Mikhailovich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector, Moscow University for the Humanities; President, National Union of Nongovernmental Institutions of Higher Education; President, Union of the Nongovernmental Higher Education Institutions of Moscow and Moscow Region. Postal address: 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-78-78. E-mail:

Citation: Ilinskiy, I. M. (2014) Moskovskomu gumanitarnomu universitetu — 70 [The 70th Anniversary of Moscow University for the Humanities]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 5–11. (In Russ.).
Submission date: 21.11.2014.
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