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Знание. Понимание. Умение
Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 3

Stenina T. L. Professional Socialization of Students in Russia

(Ulyanovsk State Technical University)

Abstract ♦ At Russian universities and pedagogical community, there is an ongoing lively discussion of the current fundamental crisis in Russian education. Some voiced an opinion that the pedagogic function at institutions of higher education is pushed to the background, while professional knowledge and successful career at the labor market have become primary goals for a subject of education.

Indeed, the fact that Russia has joined the Bologna process has determined the priority of competence approach in education. Graduates’ competences are the aggregate expected result of education after the major degree program has been completed. It is also impossible to ignore the dominance of the vocation-centered paradigm in the modern higher education. However, graduates’ competitiveness is determined not only by the sum of knowledge received at college, but also by the breadth of their worldview, by their adaptability to changing conditions and the desire to fulfil oneself professionally.

One of the preconditions of developing the qualities required for a successful graduate is the presence of specially developed programs at their institution of higher education. These programs are realized on the basis of regularities of the youth’s professional self-determination. At the same time, we should take into account both global social and cultural transformation and its regional specifics.

The integration of a graduate into the social and professional environment is by itself a socially determined process. It is influenced by both subjective and objective factors. The objective factors are connected with contradictions between labor market, educational system and value attitudes of young people towards their future profession.

The article provides an overview of expert opinions on the individual, social and professional fa ctors which complicate professional socialization of young people.

The student professional socialization program currently working at Ulyanovsk State Technical University can be of interest in this context. The program includes interconnected elements of pedagogical, organizational, informational and communicational work of various university structures. All of these elements reflect cognitive, motivational, actional and reflexive components of the graduate’s professional self-determination model.

The socializing potential of students’ project culture served as a basis for our argument in favor of integrating the social project technique into the educational process. Among the conditions determining the development of the project culture we have singled out the following: organization of educational process aimed at developing students’ project culture; value-based interaction between the subjects of the educational process; development of innovative forms of social and educational environment organization within the institution of higher education.

Keywords: professional socialization of students, regional labor market, student project culture.

Stenina Tatyana Lvovna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor, Vice-rector for work with the youth, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. Postal address: 32 Severny Venets St., Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation, 432027. Tel.: +7 (8422) 77-83-34. E-mail: stl@ulstu.ru


Citation: Stenina, T. L. (2014) Professional'naia sotsializatsiia studencheskoi molodezhi Rossii [Professional Socialization of Students in Russia]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 3, pp. 38–47. (In Russ.).

Submission date: 27.11.2013.



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