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Знание. Понимание. Умение - статья из Википедии

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Знание. Понимание. Умение
Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 3

Nagibina N. L., Ogarkova (Dubinskaya) Yu. L. Psychotypes and Their Influence on the Individual Communicative Style of TV Presenters

(Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis,
Moscow University for the Humanities),
(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis,
Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract ♦ The article addresses the problems of influence of a TV presenter’s psychotype on the communicative style of television presentation in various genres. Our research consisted of two stages.

First, we had to verify the hypothesis that there was a link between a TV presenter’s psychotype and communications style. 30 students of the School of television, Lomonosov Moscow State University with an experience of TV presenting were involved. For our diagnostics, we used two methods of communication style evaluations: “Communicational and organizational inclinations” (COI-2) by A.V. Bartashev and “Estimation of the integral individuality structure” (EIIS) by T.P. Bazylevich.

The purpose of the second stage was to investigate the qualitative features of TV presenting communication style of 12 psychotypes differing by the relationship and orientation of identifiable (rational) and non-identifiable (irrational) components of cognition, and by the orientation of each cognition type towards Me (subject-centered) and the World (object-centered). We used the “Body and soul” projective technique to diagnose the orientation of rational cognition. The outcomes helped us determine that the level of communication skills and the “integral individuality index” was significantly higher for the group of TV presenters with their rational component of knowledge aimed at ME rather than at the WORLD (in accordance with the typology suggested by N.L. Nagibina).

We have developed a modified algorithm for creating a psychological portrait of the historical person (based on the systemic-biographical method by N.L. Nagibina and V.A. Barabanshchikov), with regard to TV presenting. The modified algorithm was used to conduct a single-valued differential diagnosis of the presenter as a personality. 47 famous TV presenters were diagnosed and specific characteristics of their communicative style revealed. The obtained data are presented in Table 2.

We have thus arrived at the following conclusions:

1) Individual television broadcasting style can be described as an individual communicative style.

2) The focus of the rational function on ME or the WORLD determines the primary strategies of the communicative behavior in different genres.

3) The ability to anchor television programs in various genres is poorly described by general psychological techniques. However, typological analysis and qualitative methods (e.g., a method of creating a psychological portrait of the historical person) allow us to describe primary communication strategies for each type; the outcome is important for developing a methodology of researching creative activity.

Keywords: television, psychology of television, TV presenter/anchor, psychotype, individual communicative style, individual activity style, systematic and biographical method.

Nagibina Natalia L’vovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychology of Personality, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis; Professor, Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Moscow University for the Humanities. Postal address: 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-67-20. E-mail: nagibina@inpsycho.ru

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya) Yulia Leonidovna, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Television, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Associate Professor, Department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Counselling, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis; Postgraduate Student, Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Moscow University for the Humanities. Postal address: 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-67-20. Email: j.dubinskaya@gmail.com


Citation: Nagibina, N. L. and Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Yu. L. (2014) Psikhologicheskie tipy: vliianie na kommunikativnyi stil' televedushchikh [Psychotypes and Their Influence on the Individual Communicative Style of TV Presenters]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 3, pp. 235–244. (In Russ.).

Submission date: 30.05.2014.



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Nagibina, N. L. and Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2013) Rechevye navyki kak osnova spetsial’nykh sposobnostei televedushchikh [Speech Skills as Basis for Special Abilities of the Television Anchormen]. Golos i rech’, no. 2, pp. 59–69. (In Russ.).

Nagibina, N. L. and Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2014) Kachestvennyi i kolichestvennyi analiz struktury professional’nykh kachestv televedushchikh informatsionnogo, analiticheskogo i khudozhestvennogo zhanrov [Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Professional Qualities Structure of the TV Presenters in the Information, Analytical and Artistic Genre]. In: Psikhologicheskie i psikhoanaliticheskie issledovaniia [Psychological and Psychoanalytical Studies] : Yearbook 2014. Moscow, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis Press. 448 p. Pp. 179–204. (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2012a) Piramida publichnosti v kontekste ispol’zovaniia “psikhofizicheskikh” treningov russkoi psikhologicheskoi teatralnoi shkoly dlia povysheniia uspeshnosti professional’noi samorealizatsii lichnosti [Publicity Pyramid in the Context of Usage of “Psychophysical” Trainings of the Russian Psychological Theater School for Enhancing and Promoting Professional Self-Realization]. In: Sovremennaia psikhologiia: teoriia i praktika [Modern Psychology: Theory and Practice] : Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, October 9–10, 2012]. Moscow, Spetskniga Publ. 156 p. Pp. 98–102. (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2012b) Ispol’zovanie psikhofizicheskikh treningov russkoi psikhologicheskoi teatral’noi shkoly dlia povysheniia uspeshnosti professional’noi samorealizatsii lichnosti [Using Psychophysical Trainings of the Russian Psychological Theater School for Enhancing and Promoting Professional Self-Realization]. In: Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Chelovek v ekonomicheskikh i sotsialnykh otnosheniiakh” [Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “The Person in Economic and Social Relations”]. Moscow, October 4–5, 2012. Moscow, Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the RAS. 415 p. Pp. 185–187. (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2012c) Psikhologiia efira cherez prizmu akterskikh “psikhofizicheskikh” treningov [The Psychology of Broadcast through the Prism of Dramatic “Psychophysical” Trainings]. In: Mezhdunarodnaia nauchno-prakticheskaia konferentsia “Evoliutsiia psikhoterapii. Vzgliad iz XXI veka” [International Scientific and Practical Conference “Evolution of Psychotherapy. A View from the 21st Century”]. Moscow, December 22–23, 2012]. Moscow, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, A.V. Vorobiev’s Publ. 120 p. Pp. 72–81. (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2012d) Metodiki predmetov “Masterstvo aktera” i “Stsenicheskaia rech’” russkoi psikhologicheskoi teatral’noi shkoly dlia povysheniia uspeshnosti professional’noi samorealizatsii lichnosti [Methodology of “Acting Skills” and “Stage Speech” Subjects for a Successful Professional Self-Realization Promotion]. In: Psikhologiia i iskusstvoznanie: issledovanie tvorchestva i tvorcheskoi lichnosti [Psychology and Art Studies: Research of Art and Creative Personality] : Proceedings of International Conference. Berlin ; Moscow, International Institute of Differential Psychology Press. 292 p. Pp. 207–216. (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2013a) Ispol’zovanie innovatsionnykh tekhnologii v protsesse publichnogo i efirnogo vystupleniia: prakticheskie rekomendatsii [Using Innovative Technologies at Public Talks and Broadcasts: Practical Recommendations]. Gumanitarnye, sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie i obshchestvennye nauki, no. 6 [online] Available at: http://www.online-science.ru/m/products/filologicheskie-nauki/gid778/pg9/ [archived in WebCite] (accessed 12.03.2013). (In Russ.).

Ogarkova (Dubinskaya), Y. L. (2013b) Professionalno-vazhnye kachestva vedushchikh televizionnogo efira razlichnykh zhanrov [Professionally Important Characteristics of TV Presenters in Various Genres]. Nauchnye trudy Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta, no. 12, pp. 44–55. (In Russ.).

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