Gizha А. V. The Ideological Form of Consciousness as a Social Sign
(Donetsk National Technical University)
Abstract ♦ The article considers the specificity of ideological forms of consciousness. It is characterized by two essential parameters. The first aspect lies in the philosophical conceptualization of that category, in the concretization of its rich content. The second aspect expresses the problem of historical functioning of factor of ideology as an aggregate social tradition. The unique feature of direct philosophical comprehension is that it is not held in clear and abstract academic perspective. Its success is determined by taking into account its correlation with historically established functioning of the factor of ideology as an aggregate tradition. The author has pointed out three main directions of ideology’s being, which we can term classic, massive and structuralist respectively.
Research on ideology is often reduced to identifying its symbolic form, which seems to comprise its desired content. More often, a researcher operates with the applied aspects of ideological form of consciousness, leaving out a significant categorical study of the topic. The author critically analyses different approaches to revealing the ontological roots of ideology, emphasizing the falseness of its reduction to the realm of signs as such.
Given the distinction between these two crucial parameters of ideology, we argue for its detailed definition and provide an example thereof. Such a definition, alongside with the formal and external one, would include an obligatory particularizing corollary listing its characteristic internal features.
Gizha Andrey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine. Tel.: (8-10-380) 062-305-39-18. E-mail:
Citation: Gizha, А. V. (2014) Sotsial'no-znakovaia sut' ideologicheskoi formy soznaniia [The Ideological Form of Consciousness as a Social Sign]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 3, pp. 94–102. (In Russ.).
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