Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 3
Buranok O. M., Vershinin I. V., Yakadina T. A. Thesaurus in Vladimir A. Lukov’s Research and the Samara School of Philology
Specially for our journal, the article has been expanded from the original published in The Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Izvestiia Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk; vol. 16, no. 2, 2014).
(Volga State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Abstract ♦ The article provides an overview of Vladimir A. Lukov’s research and teaching, as well as of his contacts and communications with the Samara school of philological research. Samara philologists and Vl. A. Lukov have been collaborating for many decades. This scholarly cooperation was enhanced by personal friendships. For 10 years Vl. A. Lukov worked as a professor at our department. He participated in the Zonal Union of the Volga region scholars of literature. His articles and other texts were published in our collections, he read courses as an invited professor at Samara State Pedagogical University (now Volga State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities), advised graduate students and acted as an official respondent at public defenses of dissertations. Samara philologists now continue in the new field, discovered and established by Vl. A. Lukov and Val. A. Lukov, — the field of thesaurus analysis of literature.
Keywords: interaction of national literatures, mutual influence of national literatures, thesaurus, activity of Vl. A. Lukov, educational content, methodology of research, methods of research.
Buranok Oleg Mikhailovich, Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature, Volga State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Postal address: Apt. 110, 65 Penzenskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443082. Tel.: +7 (846) 247-44-54. E-mail:
Vershinin Igor Vladimirovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Romance Philology, President, Volga State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Postal address: 65/67 M. Gorky St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099. Tel.: +7 (846) 333-64-57. E-mail:
Yakadina Tamara Alekseevna, Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature, Volga State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Postal address: Apt. 18, 49 Chernorechenskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443096. Tel.: +7 (846) 241-84-68. E-mail:

Citation: Buranok, O. M., Vershinin, I. V. and Yakadina, T. A. (2014) Tezaurus v issledovaniiakh Vl. A. Lukova i samarskaia nauchnaia filologicheskaia shkola [Thesaurus in Vladimir A. Lukov’s Research and the Samara School of Philology]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 3, pp. 137–147. (In Russ.).
Submission date: 6.06.2014.
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