Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 2
Ruchkin A. B. From the “Enemies of the People” to the “Friends of the Nation”: Russian Diaspora in the Context of the Russia-U.S. Dialogue
(GRINT Centre for Education and Culture, Moscow)
Abstract ◊ The article reveals the role and significance of Russian diaspora in the USA in the context of Russian-American relations in the 20th–21st centuries. The topicality of the theme is connected with the need for new approaches to the development of the cooperation in the conditions of the “cold peace”. The issues of the intercultural cooperation are becoming especially pressing as the state institutions from both countries apply the concept of “soft power” for the promotion of national interests.
The participation of the Russian emigration in the development of current Russian-American relations is complicated by the inertia of the ideological and interstate confrontation of the 20th century. American society has a long history of ethnic lobbying based on the economic and electoral potential of ethnic groups. These traditional forms of group inclusion in American politics proved to be not relevant for the Russian diaspora due to the complex of its socio-economic and socio-cultural characteristics. The special feature of Russian diaspora is the predominance of cultural, charitable and educational activity of public organizations. The Russian Orthodox Church continues to play the pivotal role in the development of the social life of the immigration.
The author considers the contemporary public initiatives and projects of the Russian emigration aimed at the community’s consolidation, the development of a positive image of Russian Americans and the promotion of the group’s status. He states the prospects of a new form of the diaspora’s involvement in the state-to-state dialogue, including within the framework of the concept of “cultural mediation”.
Keywords: USA, Russian diaspora, Russian emigration, Russian immigration to the USA, Russia-U.S. relations.
Ruchkin Alexander Borisovich, Doctor of Science (history), the director of GRINT Centre for Education and Culture. Postal address: B. 6, 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-74-30. E-mail: arouchkin@yandex.ru

Citation: Ruchkin A. B. From the “Enemies of the People” to the “Friends of the Nation”: Russian Diaspora in the Context of the Russia-U.S. Dialogue // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2014. № 2. S. 40–50.
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