Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 2
Kudrina E. L. The Role of Universities of Culture and Arts in the Promotion of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Russia
(Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts)
Abstract ◊ This article discusses the promotion of Russian historical and cultural heritage in the course of studies and moral education at universities of culture and arts. The author contends that that moral education of an individual at such institutions is a constituent element of national security and cultural policy. Definitions of the two crucial terms — "cultural heritage" and "historical heritage" — are also provided.
As a well-known dictum has it, "it takes a person of character to bring up a personality". In line with this statement, we look at the case of St. Sergius of Radonezh as one of Russia’s greatest people whose contribution to the nation’s history is impossible to underestimate. In the consciousness of Russian people, he will forever remain as a teacher, protector and spiritual encourager. The article discusses the public events promoting the memory of St. Sergius in Kemerovo oblast.
The modern system of education in culture and arts, following the socio-cultural situation of the 21st century, has gained innovative status by accepting the new "lifelong learning" paradigm. Thus universities of culture and arts have a special role of promoting the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage not only via courses taught there, but also by forming a socio-cultural intellectual milieu at the university, the region and the country in general.
The article describes the experience of Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts in promoting the historical heritage as part of the spiritual and moral education of students. The university’s motto — "Culture based on knowledge" — has become the foundation for the corporate culture of students, post-graduates, faculty and staff members.
Keywords: higher education, globalization, diversification, spiritual education, historical heritage, tradition, culture and arts
Kudrina Ekaterina Leonidovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, member of International Academy of Higher Education, International Academy of Informatization, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts, Honorary Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Rector of Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts. Address: 650029, Russia, Kemerovo, 17 Voroshilov Street. Tel.: +7 (3842) 73-28-08. E-mail: kudrina@kemguki.ru

Citation: Kudrina E. L. The Role of Universities of Culture and Arts in the Promotion of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Russia // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2014. № 2. S. 61–73.
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