Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 4
Shustova E. A. Dynamism in the Thesaurus Conception of Mercantilism
(Moscow University for the Humanities)
Abstract ◊ In the article the thesaurus analysis of dynamism as an essential charac-teristic of mercantilism is made. The way of the formation of the idea of "mon-ey power" as a constant of European culture is outlined. The thesaurus approach links this process with the development of the system of the doctrines of mercantilism in the economic thought of the Early modern period.
Keywords: mercantilism, dynamism, the thesaurus analysis, culture constants.
Shustova Elena Alekseevna, postgraduate of the Economic and Financial Disciplines Department at Moscow University for the Humanities, the head of the Scientific Projects Department of the Postgraduate / Doctoral Education and Research Work Board at MosUH. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-67-22. E-mail:

Citation: Shustova, E. A. (2012) Dinamizm v tezaurusnoi kontseptsii merkantilizma [Dynamism in the Thesaurus Conception of Mercantilism]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 97–100. (In Russ.).
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