Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 3
Ilinskiy I. M. “Modernization” of Russian Education in the Context of World Globalization
(Moscow University for the Humanities)
Abstract ◊ The article is based on the author’s report presented at the VI All-Russian Conference “The Problems and Prospects of the Development of Higher Education and Science in the Russian Federation” (June 30, 2012, St. Petersburg). The most vexed questions of education and educational policy in contemporary Russian society are considered..
Keywords: education, globalization, modernization of educational system, education in Russia.
Ilinskiy Igor Mikhailovich, Doctor of Science (philosophy), professor, the rector of Moscow University for the Humanities, the president of the National Union of Nongovernmental Institutions of Higher Education, the president of the Union of the Nongovernmental Higher Education Institutions of Moscow and Moscow Region, the President of the Russian Division of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck, Austria), the President of the Russian Intellectual Club. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-78-78. E-mail:

Citation: Ilinskiy I. M. «Modernizatsiia» rossiiskogo obrazovaniia v kontekste mirovoi globalizatsii // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 3. S. 3–23.
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