Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 2
Krasovskiy Yu. D. Managers’ Administrative Values
(The State University of Management)
Abstract ◊ The article describes an example of the study of the administrative values of the heads of a firm by the author’s techniques. The managerial values are developed by the author on the basis of his consulting experience and presented in the techniques of card rankings and blank questionnaires. In accordance with the results of a local poll of top managers three types of axiological orientations of the heads are revealed: egocentric, "workaholic" and social ones.
Keywords: administrative relations, managers’ axiological orientations, administrative positions of heads, dispositional field, sense-generating values, egocentric values, instrumental values, "workaholic" values, social values.
Krasovskiy Yuriy Dmitrievich, Doctor of Science (sociology), professor of the Sociology and Psychology of Management Department at the State University of Management (Moscow City), honorary worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, winner of the 2011 Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education. Tel.: +7 (499) 301-38-11. E-mail:

Citation: Krasovskii Iu. D. Upravlencheskie tsennosti rukovoditelei // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 2. S. 149–154.
Kazhdyi vtoroi rossiianin podumyvaet ob uvol'nenii iz-za «pressinga» nachal'stva — opros (2012) [Elektr. resurs] // Interfaks. 12 fevralia. URL:
(data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2012).