Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 1
Vlasova L. V. The Experience of Religious and Moral Education in the Orphanages of the Tsarist Russia
(G. S. Novikov-Daursky Amur Regional Natural History Museum)
Abstract ◊ The article considers the establishment of the first charity institutions for the children of pre-school age in Russia in the end of the 19th — the beginning of the 20th century (orphanages, nursery asylums, children’s homes of diligence) and their significance in religious and moral education.
Keywords: children’s charitable institutions, spirituality, social organizations, religious and moral education, religion, Orthodoxy.
Vlasova Larisa Viacheslavovna, worker of G. S. Novikov-Daursky Amur Regional Natural History Museum, applicant of the Pedagogy Department at Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. Tel.: +7 (4162) 52-58-42, +7 (4162) 52-53-83. E-mail:

Citation: Vlasova L. V. Opyt religiozno-nravstvennogo vospitaniia v detskikh priiutakh tsarskoi Rossii // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 1. S. 277–282.
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