Abstract ◊ The article characterizes the main elements of the theory of historical process (historiology) by N. I. Kareev. The researcher of the “Russian school” represents his own original system of historical epistemology.
Keywords: historiology, the “Russian school”, synthetic approach, social legality, progress, personality.
Vasiliev Yuriy Albertovich, Doctor of History, professor, professor of the History Department at Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-55-81. E-mail: historymosgy@mail.ru
Kareev, N. I. (1887) Osnovnye voprosy filosofii istorii. Ch. 1. Sushchnost' i zadachi filosofii istorii. 2-e izd. SPb.
Kareev, N. I. (2000) Istoriologiia (Teoriia istoricheskogo protsessa) // Sotsiologiia istorii Nikolaia Kareeva : mezhvuz. sb. / pod red. A. O. Boronoeva, V. V. Kozlovskogo, I. D. Osipova. SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterburg. un-ta. S. 13–240.
Sotsiologiia istorii Nikolaia Kareeva (2000) : mezhvuz. sb. / pod red. A. O. Boronoeva, V. V. Kozlovskogo, I. D. Osipova. SPb. : Izd-vo S.-Peterburg. un-ta.