Shershnev I. L. The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Institutionalization of Russian Public Diplomacy
(Moscow State Linguistic University)
Abstract ◊ The article deals with the analysis of the problems of public diplomacy’s institutionalization in Russia. It reveals the basic concepts, characterizes the institution of public diplomacy and describes the features of Russian public diplomacy in the sphere of foreign and domestic policy realization.
Keywords: public diplomacy, non-governmental organizations, the institution of public diplomacy.
Shershnev Ilya Leonidovich, Candidate of Science (political science), associate professor, associate professor of the Political Science Department of the Institute of International Relations and Social-political Studies at Moscow State Linguistic University. Tel.: +7 (499) 255-71-72. E-mail:
Citation: Shershnev I. L. Rol' nepravitel'stvennykh organizatsii v institualizatsii rossiiskoi obshchestvennoi diplomatii // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 1. S. 52–58.
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