Penkovskiy D. D. The Revival of Russian Cossacks at the Present Stage
(The National Institute of Business)
Abstract ◊ The article is an attempt of analysis of the process of the revival of Russian Cossacks in recent times. For the first time ever, an algorithm for the establishment of the Cossack party of Russia is suggested.
Keywords: the revival of Russian Cossacks, Cossack party.
Penkovskiy Dmitry Dmitrievich, Doctor of Science (history), professor, the head of the Research and Publishing Department at the National Institute of Business (Moscow city), full-member of the Academy of Political Science, the honourary worker of the higher vocational education of the Russian Federation. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-61-32. E-mail:
Citation: Pen'kovskii D. D. Vozrozhdenie rossiiskogo kazachestva na sovremennom etape // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 1. S. 81–86.