Главная / Main Page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2010 / No. 2
Ermilin A. I., Ermilina E. V. Scientific Education of Pupils as a Humanitarian Pedagogical System
(The Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS)
Abstract The article covers one of the primary factors that determine readiness of pupils for scientific activities, i.e. a specially organized, innovative in its matter and organization, extended scientific education. The authors’ conception of the humanitarian character of the extended scientific education system and a pedagogical model of formation of pupils’ willingness for scientific activities are proposed for discussion.
Keywords: scientific education of pupils, readiness for scientific activities, extended education, innovative pedagogical model.
Ermilin Aleksandr Igorevich — a Candidate of Science (pedagogy), the director of N. S. Talalushkin Children’s Health and Educational Campus of the Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS. Tel.: (831) 416-06-71. E-mail: ermilin1@rambler.ru
Ermilina Elena Vasilievna — the scientific and methodological work deputy director of N. S. Talalushkin Children’s Health and Educational Campus of the Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS, an applicant of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the N. A. Dobrolyubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod. Tel.: (831) 416-06-19. E-mail: eermilina@rambler.ru

Citation: Ermilin A. I., Ermilina E. V. Scientific Education of Pupils as a Humanitarian Pedagogical System // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2010. № 2. S. 180–185.
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