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20.04.2008 Tishchenko P. D. Resurrection of the Hippocratic Oath in Russia
I graduated from medical school in 1972. According to orders signed at the Kremlin by the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, I was obliged, along with every graduating medical student, to swear to a new professional code, "The Oath of the Soviet Physicians." This was the second year the oath was used.
28.03.2008 Tishchenko P. D. The Individual and Healthcare in the New Russia
The healthcare system in the new Russia is in an agonizing flux of political, economic, and ideological turmoil. The individual in this system, comfortable with the long-established policies of the former Soviet system, is now confronted with instability, rapid change, and an uncertain future.
29.02.2008 Zakharov N. Puškin ja Shakespeare: Kulttuurien Dialogi
Työn aiheena on Puškin ja Shakespeare, erityisesti Shakespearen vaikutus venäläisen runoilijan tuotantoon, minkä merkitystä ja syvyyttä työssä tarkastellaan.
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